Ozone Generator

Ozone Generator Ozonation
General Details: | |
model | Ozone Generator Ozonation |
Material | Stainless Steel |
Ozonation (also referred to as ozonisation) is a chemical water treatment technique based on the infusion of ozone into water. Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), which is one of the most powerful oxidants.Ozonation is an advanced oxidation process (AOP) using ozone, which is a reactive gas with low solubility, usually generated on-site (to achieve a 1–2 ppm dose) through dry air, or pure oxygen through high-voltage corona discharge. Once dissolved in water it undergoes complex decomposition and oxidation reactions.An ozone generator is a device designed to produce the gas ozone. Ozone is used effectively in water purification, but ozone in air must reach high levels to remove air pollutants. Health experts warn that it is important to control conditions to ensure that no person or pet becomes exposed to high levels of ozone.

Ozonator Water Purifier
General Details: | |
model | Ozonator |
Material | Stainless Steel |
Others: | |
Automation | Semi-Automatic |
Input Voltage | 220 voltage |
Power Source | Electrical |
an ozone generator is a device designed to produce the gas ozone. Ozone is used effectively in water purification, but ozone in air must reach high levels to remove air pollutants. Health experts warn that it is important to control conditions to ensure that no person or pet becomes exposed to high levels of ozone.Whether in its pure form or mixed with other chemicals, ozone can be harmful to health. When inhaled, ozone can damage the lungs. Relatively low amounts of ozone can cause chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath and, throat irritation Ozone ( is created when diatomic oxygen () is exposed to an electrical field or ultraviolet (UV) light. Exposure to these high levels of energy causes a portion of the diatomic oxygen molecules to split into individual oxygen atoms. These free oxygen atoms combine with diatomic oxygen molecules to form ozone.
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